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Localization of the National Action Plans (NAP) in Georgia

On 13-14 May, a conference “Women, Peace and Security UNSCR 2018-2020 Localization of National Action Plans in Georgia.”

The project is being implemented by UN Women with the three NGOs – IDP Women Association “Consent,” Women Information Center and Humanitarian Foundation “Sokhumi.”

Conference participants were the representatives of Georgian central government, namely: Grigol Giorgadze – The Deputy Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs, Mzia Giorgobiani – Deputy Minister of Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure, Tina Gogeliani – Office of State Minister, Members of City Council, City Hall, gender equality councils and working groups of Resolution 1325 of 10 Georgian municipalities (Gori, Kaspi, Khashuri, Kareli, Dusheti, Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha, Sachkhere, Stepantsminda and Tskaltubo) and IDPs and conflict-affected population living in these municipalities.

The first day of the conference was devoted to the issues identified during the working process. Discussions concerned their solutions, as well as the situation on the diving line in the context of gender and the role of central, regional and local government in the localization process.

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