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Training on the topic “Conflict between generations in family and its management "

On February 18, In the frames of the project "Building Bridges between Youth" in village Nikozi, was conducted training on the topic “Conflict between generations in family and its management ". Trainer was Rita Margania. The training was attended by 15 young people, 10 girls and 5 boys.

The topic of the training was relevant and interesting for teenagers. Each of them gave examples from their life - that they are not understood not only at home, but also at school, by teachers. Exercise: “What kind of style of life and mentality had our grandparents and parents” helped youth to see how their grandparents and parents lived, what rules of behavior, clothing style, society requirements were back at that time, how tastes and views changed from generation to generation and how to seek a compromise and find a common language with these people.

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